Independent healthcare advice and support

OCMO shows you the way!

As a client, are you curious about fees or your rights?
Are you a dedicated informal caregiver who would like to receive more information?
Or are you urgently looking for answers within the complex healthcare sector?

Mantelzorger helpt oude man met zijn pillen  - onafhankelijke cliënt- en mantelzorgondersteuning | OCMO

What does OCMO do?

In the Netherlands, the quality of health care is high. Still, we understand that your confidence in the Dutch health care system may be low and you may feel uncertain about where to turn with your health questions.

We are happy to lend a helping hand by offering independent advice and support and answers to all your healthcare questions!


At OCMO, we are very aware that our own standards and values do not apply to everyone. We are aware of and respect the diversity of backgrounds and cultures we have in the Netherlands.

We are by your side at all times to support you with information, advice and education and help you find the right path for yourself, your loved one or your client(s).

Whatever your position in the healthcare industry; you can count on us.
Mantelzorg vrolijke arabische familie die koffie drinkt  - onafhankelijke cliënt- en mantelzorgondersteuning | OCMO

For clients

Find the right care with our experienced team. We will guide you regardless of your illness or situation.

For informal caregivers

Rely on OCMO for informal care support and guidance. We are at your service!

Collaborative partners

We deliver honest, reliable and personalized advice so you can provide the best possible care.

OCMO is here for everyone

Intercultural support

We are there specifically for people from immigrant backgrounds who need advice and support in the area of care.

OCMO helps you find the best possible care to suit your cultural background, such as your native language.
In doing so, we also take into account your standards and values, based on your religious beliefs, among other things.



Cardiovascular diseases

Chronic lung disease

Diabetes type 1/Diabetes type 2/Sugar disease

Download de gratis factsheet Ramadan in de zorg

Ontdek hoe je zorg, medicatie en maaltijden afstemt tijdens de Ramadan om je cliënten optimaal te ondersteunen!

Vul je e-mailadres in en download de factsheet!

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Ramadan in de Zorg, factsheet voor Professionals

In deze factsheet vind je praktische tips en inzichten om respectvolle en passende zorg te verlenen tijdens de Ramadan. Denk aan het afstemmen van zorg en medicatie, het bieden van emotionele ondersteuning, en het faciliteren van maaltijden en gebed.

Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Neem gerust contact met ons op.

Veel succes en een fijne Ramadan gewenst!

Ramadan Mubarak! 🌙✨